Gloucester Rocks

Saintbridge Balancing Ponds

Parks & Walks

The best thing about living in Gloucestershire, is that there’s always somewhere new to explore. Sometimes, we make plans to stop at places we’ve driven past, yet never visited and sometimes places are a complete surprise to us!

Saintbridge balancing ponds was the latter for us. Having worked in the area for a number of years, it’s only recently that I have been looking at local maps and spotted some green spaces nearby that warranted further investigation!

This scenic spot is perfect for paddling, wildlife watching and picnics. If you’re feeling energetic, why not go for a jog along the paths or make use of the rugby posts, which were installed to celebrate Gloucester being a host city for the Rugby World Cup in 2015. 

Gloucestershire County Council say ‘Saintbridge balancing pond consists of a wet balancing pond and a 'dry pond' overflow flood storage area, covering 9 hectares in total. The wet pond serves both as a large flood storage structure and a well-loved wildlife and amenity area for local residents.’

You can get to the ponds from Hawthorne Avenue, Cheyney Close and Curlew Road (free, on street parking is available). The reserve is buggy friendly if you stick to the paths and grassy areas.

Play area info from Steph, Honey and Ace ♡ Follow their adventures on Instagram or the StephLovesHoney website.

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